This blog has been sleeping for such a long time, that I’m not sure that anybody is still following it. All my apologies for those who were interested in it. Still, I’m feeding it today with some feedback, and I hope I will start it again when I’m finished with the current project: convert Wind on the Steppes to the newly edited D100 ruleset Revolution D100.
I’m working
hard on it, so I hope that it can be ready for 2017. I’ll try to integrate some
material from this blog. In the meantime, I encourage you to have a look at
Revolution D100.
The SRD can
be found here http://alephtargames.com/images/ogl/rd100_srd.zip
rulebook has a very reasonable price for its 256 pages and can be found here
Dead tree
€27.90 + €8 shipment: http://www.rpgmeeting.org/en/component/hikashop/prodotto/revolution-d100
There are
no rules for shamanism in the SRD, but of course they will be present in Wind
on the Steppes.
The lucky visitors at Dragonmeet can have a look at the Alephtar Games' booth.
The lucky visitors at Dragonmeet can have a look at the Alephtar Games' booth.