Saturday, 24 January 2015

Table of Contents for Wind on the Steppes

At this date, the pdf shall be ready very soon. For the fortunate ones who purchased Wind on the Steppes and until they receive their download code, and for those who did not purchase it yet but like to know more about it, I unveil the contents of the 160 pages.

 The -unfortunately usual- errata will will published after the release of the pdf..

1. Introduction to Wind on the Steppes ..................3
            What this book is about

2. Background ..........................................................6
            Ethics and general features, geography, neighbouring countries, languages, social structure, law, economy and nomadism, religious beliefs, daily life, entertainment and arts, livestock and horses, warfare (incl. an alternate rule for bows)...

3. Character Creation ............................................33
            Step by step with examples (incl. social status, allegiances, belongings and a "guide to the good Nomad"), new professions, new specific skills (incl. the Horse Archery skill), skills improvement rule, equipment...

4. Shamans ............................................................57
            Creating a shaman PC (features, Black and White Shamans, powers, Animal-Mother, dismembering, Small/Major/Great Shamans…), playing a shaman (powers, trance, alliances with spirits, spirit combat, allied and bound spirits…)

5. Magic Powers ....................................................75
            Spirit powers, spells for shamans & blacksmiths

6. Heroes ...............................................................85
            Heroes ("Batyr"), spirits and Heroic Powers

7. Spirits ................................................................93
            Features, Underworld Spirits, Celestial Spirits, Middle World Spirits, Ancestors, other spirits, totem-animals...

8. Bestiary ............................................................115
            Domestic and wild animals, supernatural animals, wonderful humanoids...

9. Peoples and Tribes ...........................................125
            Main tribes and empires from 200 BCE to 1400 CE, the Silk Road

Appendices ..........................................................137
            Magic items, encounter charts, sample characters, scenario ideas...

When the Wolves Wake up .................................147
            An introductory scenario with background elements for a campaign among the old Turks in the 5th-6th centuries.

Glossary ...............................................................159